Ten Lessons For Victory In Life

Calvary Chapel - Pinellas Park, FL

Web:   www.ccstpete.com

 Danny Hodges (Senior Pastor)



Joshua 10 - 13:5

God wants you to live in the land of blessing.


You never have to lose a battle if God is fighting for you.


You can have a life of victory if you live by faith


You have to be dependent on God for victory


To your last breath, God wants to use you in His army.


Never think that God can't use you.


1.) You must realize it is God's battle not yours (10:42)

2.) You cannot live in fear (11:6)

3.) You cannot fall into the temptation of trying to win more    victories in your own flesh (11:14)

4.) Don't leave anything commanded left undone. Partial obedience is disobedience. (11:15)

5.) Persevere (11:16-18)

6.) You cannot compromise with wickedness (11:19-20)

7.) You have to face the giants and destroy the giants by faith. (11:21-22)

8.) You must take advantage of times of rest. (11:23)

9.) You must not forget the victories of the past. Look back at what God has done. (12:1-24)

10.) Never retire from the battle. (13:1)